Legal information


Bigouden Makers SAS

Phone number : +33(0) 6 23 36 21 20
Address: 4, rue du Port - 29740 Plobannalec-Leconil - France
SIRET : 88279457100019
RCS : Quimper 882 794 571
Intracommunity VAT number: FR00882794571
Legal form: Société par actions simplifiée
Share capital: 520,000.00 Euros
Director of publication: Thierry Acquitter
Creation of the site


Phone number: +33(0)1 85 09 74 06
Address: 37, rue Adam Ledoux - 92400 Courbevoie - France
SIRET : N°80164723100050
RCS : Paris B 801647231
Intracommunity VAT number:
FR 67 537 538 969
Legal form: Limited liability company (SARL)
Share capital: 100,000.00 Euros
Website :


Phone: +1 415-964-0555 +1 415-964-0555
Address: 398 11th Street, San Francisco Bay Area, West Coast, Western US
Legal form: Venture Capital-Backed
Share capital: 214,900,000 dollars
Photos and pictograms


  • Photos by Gauthier Le Guen used on all pages of the site.
  • The image of the coffee cup used on the page of the article "Bigouden Makers Pont l'Abbé ouvre son Café / Boutique / Coworking" was taken by Denis Jeanson.
  • The picture of the two people in the bar used on the page of the article "Bigouden Makers Pont l'Abbé labelled Fabrique de territoire" was taken by Magali Nouguier.
  • The pictures of the section "Breathing new life into the Hôtel de Bretagne" and the section "Are you looking for an office in Pont l'Abbé?" were taken by Gauthier Le Guen
  • The "Telephone" pictogram (full) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Mail" pictogram (full) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Linkedin" pictogram (full) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Linkedin" pictogram (line) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Instagram" pictogram (full) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Facebook" pictogram (full) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Facebook" pictogram (line) used on all pages was created by Freepik from Flaticon.
  • The "Cookies" pictogram used on all pages was created by Freepik de Flaticon.

Clause d’information sur la médiation de la consommation

Après avoir saisi le service (après-vente, après voyage…) et à défaut de réponse satisfaisante ou en l’absence de réponse dans un délai de 60 jours, le client peut saisir gratuitement le médiateur du Tourisme et du Voyage, dont les coordonnées et modalités de saisine sont disponibles sur son site: