Bigouden Makers Pont l'Abbé - Tiers lieu

What the press says about us

See the source: Bretagne économique, Maude Duval, 10.01.2022

Bigouden Makers Pont l'Abbé - Tiers lieu

Just opened and already labelled "Fabriques de territoire" by the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion! The first third place managed by the company Bigouden Makers, in the former Hôtel de Bretagne in Pont l'Abbé, is a melting pot of energies, activities and projects that will make the Pays Bigouden live and shine. Supported by hundreds of men and women attached to this territory, this SAS has the vocation to acquire and rehabilitate other places in the Bigouden Country in order to create a dynamic and enterprising citizenry.

They are 45 women and 56 men"of all ages and backgrounds" united within SAS Bigouden Makers. Attached to the Pays Bigouden and its potential, these individuals, for the most part, have invested in this company to acquire and revitalise hotel accommodation that they consider dormant, in order to bring back to life the emblematic places of this territory. At the head of this new kind of company is Thierry Acquitter, a hotel and restaurant owner in Lesconil.

Their first choice was the former Hôtel de Bretagne in Pont l'Abbé, a historic building in the town centre. The young SAS acquired this hotel in liquidation to turn it into a third place with multiple activities: shared work spaces, a space for relaxation and living, a boutique café and small restaurant, and a future accommodation space, all around a beautiful garden. The total cost of this first operation is 1 million euros.

Boosting well-being, creativity and performance

The third-party office is about to open, after the finishing work: the jobs have been created, Léna and Mathilde who look after the place are in place. The first rental contracts for the 6 fitted-out offices have been signed and the keys should be handed over at the beginning of February. The coworking café will welcome its first customers in a few days, as will the adjacent shop. A third part, reserved for accommodation and lodging, will complete the overall eclectic offer. The building will come back to life and will soon give rhythm to that of the inhabitants and"entrepreneurs", as Thierry Acquitter prefers to call them, who will come to put down their computer or their notebooks to work there. "We are convinced that working with people we like and in places that are useful, beautiful and that we like is better for our well-being, our creativity and our performance," stresses the initiator of this positive local impact movement.

The Bigouden Makers initiative has just been selected by the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion, which has made this first third place join the chosen circle of Territory Factories. The Hôtel de Pont l'Abbé joins the 300 third places labelled in France, including 5 in Finistère (the Ateliers Jean Moulin in Plouhinec, the Konk ar Lab in Concarneau, the Lieu-dit in Brest and the Ribines in Irvillac). These Fabriques are "spaces for cohesion and the creation of new links useful for all local actors ", according to the definition given by Jacqueline Gourault, Minister for Territorial Cohesion. "They are also places of transition which embody the desire and capacity of the inhabitants of a given territory to take ownership of its issues to bring solutions, services and activities together and in proximity" adds Joël Giraud, Secretary of State for Rural Affairs.

Thierry Acquitter and all the Bigouden Makers fully agree with these words and ambitions. This recognition also triggers financial support from the State, in the order of 50,000 euros per year for three years, under the France Relance scheme.

The Bigouden company also benefited from the Pass Commerce, a 7,500 euro subsidy granted by the Brittany region and the Community of Communes of the Pays Bigouden Sud. The Metropolitan Brittany West CCI was involved in presenting and examining this commercial investment aid application. It also helped the company to obtain a zero-interest loan from the Initiative Cornouaille platform.

Towards a new fund raising

After this first project and successful bet, SAS Bigouden Makers is going to continue its momentum. The investment company is looking for other closed hotels in the Pays Bigouden or"any building that is not occupied, or that is about to be, that offers opportunities to create a place that will enhance the attractiveness and development of our region", says Thierry Acquitter.

To this end, it is raising funds for the third time by inviting inhabitants, companies and any person or entity attached to the Pays Bigouden and its future to join them in the adventure. "We are going to offer shares starting at 1250 euros", announces Thierry Acquitter, founding president.

"Our ambition is to give a decisive boost to the development of the Pays Bigouden, because we believe in this part of Brittany, where we have chosen to live. It has a wealth of values to be exploited for its inhabitants and visitors. We are building a global project of general interest for this territoryWe want to work with the local authorities, if possible.."

To the best of our knowledge.

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